Some serious Scottish talent has gotten together to collaborate in a new band. You’ve got James Graham, aka the crooning and wailing frontman of Glaswegian darlings The Twilight Sad, “Scottish Album of the Year” winner Kathryn Joseph and for good fun throw in acclaimed producer Marcus Mackay. What does that stellar combo give you? They’ve come together to form their new band: Out Lines.

Out Lines has announced the forthcoming October 27th release of their new album, ‘Conflats’, on Rock Action Records. According to DYI Magazine, “The record was inspired by conversations James and Kathryn has with users of Platform, a multi-arts and community space in the east end of Glasgow. They translated the stories that they heard into the album’s lyrics, while Marcus helped to steer the sound of the record.”

The creation of the LP was a true labor of love – no easy task. James described the process of integrating the interviews into the music as: “pretty much one of the most stressful situations you could put yourself under whilst writing music.These people came and didn’t hold back, they told us everything. It wasn’t a case of you had to dig it out of them”.

Kathryn concurred: “Some parts of their stories were sad but they were all such strong beautiful humans and that made writing the songs so much easier than I thought it was going to be”.

Fortunately we don’t have to wait till October to get a taste of this new project. Out Lines have shared the first track, ‘Buried Guns’. It starts out with James’ vocals, and Kathryn’s not far behind. It’s got a lovely combo of synth, dirge-like pounding percussion, with a good measure of folk. I can’t wait to hear more from this intriguing trio.

Listen to ‘Buried Guns’ and see the track listing for ‘Conflats’ below.

Conflats Track Listing

1. Buried Guns
2. Our Beloved Dead
3. The Left Behind
4. There Is A Saved Place
5. If You Love Me Will You Lie
6. Open Shut
7. These Three Desire Lines