Alex Brown Church of Sea Wolf on “The Violet Hour”

Vanity Fair Online talked with Alex Brown Church about “The Violet Hour” Sea Wolf’s contribution to The New Moon Soundtrack.

How would you describe Sea Wolf’s sound?

People often describe us as chamber pop, which applies to everyone from Belle & Sebastian to Arcade Fire. We’re basically a folk-rock band with sea-shanty instrumentation.

What does your song “The Violet Hour” sound like?

It’s a very up-tempo, peppy kind of song with a dark twist to it. It’s about a girl who is interested in me but is also wishy-washy—someone aloof. I get the sense she’s leading me on but I’m not really sure. It’s a little bit sexy.

That sounds very “Bella.”

Maybe it could apply to her character. The song does suit the movie—the vibe and lyrics, definitely.

Do you know what scene it will be featured in?

All I know is it’s going to be in a party scene … a house-party scene.

Can you give us some sample lyrics?


Your arms are lovely
Yellow and rose
Your back’s a meadow
Covered in snow
Your thighs are thistles
And hothouse grapes
You breathe your sweet breath
And have me wait

Wow, steamy stuff. What do you hope Twilight fans will take from it?

I hope that it speaks to them in a personal way. I put a lot of myself into my songs, but I don’t want to alienate anyone. It’s a good song. I hope people [who buy the soundtrack] will like it and will hopefully seek us out and check out our other records.

How did you feel when you heard you were going to be on the soundtrack?

That it’s a great honor to be included on the soundtrack with the likes of Thom Yorke, Grizzly Bear, and Death Cab for Cutie. It’s really cool.

If you could be a werewolf or a vampire, what would you be?

I would be a werewolf because this is Sea Wolf! Also, most of the time, you could be normal. I like wolves because they’re beautiful, intelligent, misunderstood creatures.

Check out Sea Wolf’s new album White Water, White Bloom featuring “Wicked Blood,” another Twilight-friendly song about star-crossed lovers.
(via Vanity Fair Online)

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