Listen to ‘Meet Me On the Equinox’ by Death Cab For Cutie

meet-meAs we reported back in August, Death Cab for Cutie has been tapped to provide the first single from the New Moon Soundtrack. ‘Meet Me On the Equinox’ will officially premiere with a live performance by DCFC September 13th on the MTV Music awards.

Tonight they provided fans with a sneak peak. If you click over to the DCFC myspace page you’ll find a 40 second snippet. The full song will be posted on Sunday during the Video Music Awards.

If you want to be one of the very first people to download the song, you can pre-order the soundtrack through the Official New Moon Soundtrack Pre-Order site. Every option will deliver ‘Meet Me On the Equinox’ to your inbox on the evening of September 13th, before it’s available anywhere else.