M83 – “Reunion” – The Story Continues

It seemed pretty obvious at the end of the “Midnight City” video from space gazers, M83, that we would be seeing more from our unfortunately endowed friends trying to escape capture.  “Reunion” continues the story, with more special effects, more questions, and more kids at the end!  Maybe they’ll grow into millions and become largest group of friends the world has ever seen!  Could the overtly majestic “Raconte-Moi Une Histoire” (disc one, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming) be a clue into the fate of the kids?  Either way, it’s all fun, and still reminds me of being a kid – at least the good parts. I’ll keep posting my Treasure Island Music Festival (October 2012) predictions here, and I think M83 is playing on day one. *Phil crosses fingers*