One of my best friends, Mark Cuadrado (aka Slowcore Pictures) has prepared and amazing video for Dungen‘s “Fredag.” I promise you’ll want to watch this one over and again. Their new album, Skit I Allt, which roughly translates into “fuck it” or “fuck all” will be released by good old Mexican Summer on September 14th in the U.S. Dungen’s main man Gustav Ejstes explains (pay attention): “Fuck it, do as you want, time is passing and it’s changing, forget fears and hang-ups, we are small and everything is pretty insignificant on the whole. How will it be? What shall we do? We often worry so much unnecessarily. Skit I Allt, it’s happening now.” I like the sound of that. And none of us are getting any younger, right? Visit the Dungen site for a free download (or check after the jump for the widget) and please check out Slowcore‘s other amazing montages.
SlowCore Pictures presents: Swedish Autumn from Mark Cuadrado on Vimeo.