British Sea Power Return with ZEUS

There is chatter out there about giving away your e-mail address for a download.  In a recent thread on School of Seven Bells’ facebook page, a radio programmer chimed in suggesting that it was a “crass way to sell a single.”  Two comments later, a member of the band, presumably Benjamin asked “How is this crass? Enlighten us, please.”  Mr. Radio Programmer felt that it was too much information to give away.

I’ve done this many times this year, and I think it’s an okay way to get free, new music from great bands like Caribou, School of Seven Bells and British Sea Power.  Honestly, after joining the lists, I haven’t heard a peep from any of them!  I’m already a subscriber to the always well written and clever British Sea Power mailing list and I’m always excited to open them!

If you like British Sea Power, I highly recommend using this handy little widget to get the new single, ‘Zeus.’  If you are justifiably wary like Mr. Radio Programmer, you can listen straight from the player.  Either way, it’s GREAT!!  The 7 track Zeus EP is released on October 4th.