Racist, sexist, homophobic and whacked out of their minds awesomeness. If any band gets booed off stage at this years Treasure Island Music Festival, it will be Die Antwoord. I hope Paige gets some good shots from this one, they are definitely a spectacle. Since they first arrived on the interwebs, pretty much everyone wants to know if they are a joke. Well, they’re label mates with Lady Ga Ga (hopefully that’s the only time we’ll spell that name out here on The Color Awesome) and they are ready to play. Personally, I can’t take my eyes off of them. It’s a classic car wreck; you slow down and you stop everything because you are compelled to look at them. Apparently they are from a very poor background in Cape Town, South Africa. Whoever their stylist is, they are keeping it real. Like a Juggalo had a baby with Aphex Twin and forced it to watch Jacob’s Ladder for it’s first 9 years, we give you “Evil Boy.” Warning, this it totally NSFW.
Die Antwoord play The Treasure Island Music Festival on Saturday, October 16th, 2010