Treasure Island Music Festival Countdown – Die Antwoord

Racist, sexist, homophobic and whacked out of their minds awesomeness.  If any band gets booed off stage at this years Treasure Island Music Festival, it will be Die Antwoord.  I hope Paige gets some good shots from this one, they are definitely a spectacle. Since they first arrived on the interwebs, pretty much everyone wants to know if they are a joke.  Well, they’re label mates with Lady Ga Ga (hopefully that’s the only time we’ll spell that name out here on The Color Awesome) and they are ready to play.  Personally, I can’t take my eyes off of them.  It’s a classic car wreck; you slow down and you stop everything because you are compelled to look at them.  Apparently they are from a very poor background in Cape Town, South Africa.  Whoever their stylist is, they are keeping it real.  Like a Juggalo had a baby with Aphex Twin and forced it to watch Jacob’s Ladder for it’s first 9 years, we give you “Evil Boy.” Warning, this it totally NSFW.

Die Antwoord play The Treasure Island Music Festival on Saturday, October 16th, 2010