Stream Diamond Rings – Special Affections

Diamond Rings – Special Affections by SecretCityRecords

“From a sexual perspective, and I think the songs speak to this, there’s still a considerable amount of uncertainty in my own life, and I think in a lot of peoples’ lives and personal situations, where the way I feel one day is different from the next day and the next week after that,” he says. “And [Diamond Rings] has been about coming to terms with the fact that’s alright […] and kind of resisting that pressure from outside to conform or fit a certain identity. And that can come from anywhere: that can come from the queer community as well as the straight community … People want you to fit in between, what I still feel, are a limited range of options. Hopefully I can inspire people to realize it’s OK to be different. — John O’Regan a.k.a. Diamond Rings”