I designed and directed this 8 minute video for Death Cab for Cutie’s I Will Possess Your Heart about a year ago. Since then, it’s gotten over 200,000 views on youtube. Unfortunately Warner Music decided to remove or mute the sound on all DCFC youtube videos, including official ones posted by the band. I thought fans might enjoy seeing the video with sound via this original version.
Also check out my Death Cab For Cutie photosets on Flickr. Lots more pix of Ben & crew to drool over:
The video was created using animoto.com
The plugin takes about 10 seconds to load, so if it doesn’t appear immediately, just be patient. 🙂
Awesome clip! You should be very proud! I LOVE this song! Warner & other music groups are so f-ing greedy! Don’t they realize music videos are promotional tools? To help sell the CDs & also promote the band, as well (touring & merchandising, etc.)! Radio, and especially MTV suck in terms of promoting GOOD new music, and YouTube has the potential to promote the music, getting it out to the entire world! Most new music I buy is music I learn about from YouTube, or other similar sites! OK, I’m preaching to the converted! I’m off my soapbox now!
i just love DCFC. people in my area complained about there 3min. intro…But i acually like it. instead of jumping right into the song they take there time to show off there great tallent.
i hope they keep it up for the years to come.
on a side not i think he looks best shaven and without his nerdy glasses on lol. but either or!
thanks for a great vid!!!! Can’t get much better animating with a limmited number of stills than this one!! U-Boob blows, that’s where I came from obviously to get this video with sound… and it’s getting worse every day. You’re waaay too nice to them. lol Anyway,thanks again, cheers.
I love love love this song, I was soo mad that all DCFC was taken off of youtube. Thanks for posting the video
didn’t like this video.liked it better when they were in their seattle garage,because then you could see them actually playing and singing.you tube was a good video.
stick with you tube guys!
I think this would be a great tune for a serial killer/stalker flick. Awesome tune.
I think this would be a great tune for reality. Awesome tune.
This is a great tune for my current situation…which never seems to change